Öffentliche beziehungen
- Öffentliche beziehungen
- 101 (Registered)
- (1 Review)

Über diesen Kurs
An organisation can’t continue working and developing without any connection with the outside world. We need to adapt to the environment around us, create friends and partners, find financial and other resources. Most youth organisations communicate with other actors in four main activities. First is by Marketing our products and messages in order to reach our goals, recruit members, sell our products, usw. Secondly, we advocate our positions and opinions to achieve the change we want to see in the society. Thirdly, we we find partners with similar goals to cooperate and work more effectively and finally we communicate to gather resources. This course will give you the basic knowledge on these four activities and help you plan your communication strategies to be more effective.
How to get the most out of this course
- Every lesson begins with a question to help you get into the topic. Take time to answer these questions as they help you understand the topic better.
- We have provided a longer script with every lesson video if you want to learn by reading.
- The quizzes help you check if you have understood the course lesson thoroughly. Every lesson has 1-3 quiz questions based on the materials.
- The discussion is for you to engage with other young leaders. We believe you learn best from other youth organisations. So share your experience and learn from others! The forum can be used to ask help or questions on the topic or real life situations as well.
- The exercises help you analyse your own organisation or team and adapt knowledge learned from the lesson right away.
- The external and additional materials give you more in-depth knowledge about the topic and guide you to other materials on this topic if you want learn more.
- For starting organisations: the courses are a great toolkit for creating a new organisation.
- You are always welcome to revisit the lessons and exercises when needed!
- Einführung: Einstiegsfrage 1 questionQuiz1.1
- Einführung: Lektion 1.1. VideoLecture1.1
- Einführung: ZusatzmaterialienLecture1.2
- Einführung: Mini-quiz 1 questionQuiz1.2
- Einführung: ÜbungenLecture1.3
- Einführung: DiskussionLecture1.4
- Marketing: Opening question 1 questionQuiz2.1
- Marketing: Video lessonLecture2.1
- Marketing: Extra materialsLecture2.2
- Marketing: Mini-quiz 2 questionsQuiz2.2
- Marketing: ExercisesLecture2.3
- Marketing: DiscussionLecture2.4
- Marketing: References 30 minLecture2.5
Fürsprache und Lobbying
- Advocacy: Opening question 0 questionQuiz3.1
- Advocacy: Video lessonLecture3.1
- Advocacy: Mini-quiz 2 questionsQuiz3.2
- Advocacy: ExercisesLecture3.2
- Advocacy: DiscussionLecture3.3
- Partnerschaften: Einstiegsfrage 0 questionQuiz4.1
- Partnerschaften: VideolektionLecture4.1
- Partnerschaften: Mini-quiz 2 questions10 minQuiz4.2
- Partnerschaften: ÜbungenLecture4.2
- Partnerschaften: DiskussionLecture4.3
- Ressourcen finden: Anfang fragen 1 questionQuiz5.1
- Ressourcen finden: VideolektionLecture5.1
- Ressourcen finden: Mini-quiz 4 questionsQuiz5.2
- Ressourcen finden: ÜbungenLecture5.2
- Ressourcen finden: DiskussionLecture5.3
1 rating
great content!
I definitely learnt more about marketing and partnerships. Amazing course structure